Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Google Reader Changed My Life

Back in the spring of 2006, I set up a Bloglines account as part of my Computer-Based Information Tools class (read: time and money down the drain with no graduate credit to show for all my work, but at least I learned a few things class). At the time I thought it was a good idea, but not terribly useful for me because there weren't too many blogs or news sites that I cared to keep up with.

Fast forward two years, and I am so glad I've rediscovered RSS Readers, this time in the form of Google Reader. As Lee LeFever of
The Common Craft Show says, "It's like Netflix compared to the video store." And who doesn't appreciate having entertainment and information brought to their virtual door?

I've found that since setting up my Google Reader, I've been following more blogs than ever before. When I find an interesting blog, I just add it to my Reader and I never have to go hunting for it again.

Before my RSS Reader days, I would hopefully check blogs kept by friends, anticipating a new photo of their little one or some news of their lives, only to be disappointed by the same old post I read yesterday. Now I'm pleasantly surprised each time their blog title shows up in the magical little box on my iGoogle page.

I must say though, that the wonderful Google Reader has completely done away with my favorite means of wasting time. I used to spend forever clicking from blog to blog to read all the new posts, avoiding the dishes or the laundry or balancing the checkbook. Now I get through all the updates so quickly it's almost unnerving. I guess I'll have to find a new time-waster...Facebook, Twitter, Flickr...here I come.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Google Reader does rock, doesn't it? Why did I agonize so long over which feed to choose?