Saturday, October 13, 2007

And the winner is...

I received several great suggestions for the title of this blog. As I mentioned, I'm really bad at making decisions, but seeing how this is a donut decision, I'll just choose one and get on with it. So...from this day forward (and thanks to the Opinionated Librarian), this blog shall be know as...

Making a Fuss.

Those of you who know me very well (or even just a little bit), will realize the irony in this title. Despite the obvious connection to my name, this blog title is as anti-me as it gets. I rarely make a fuss about anything, at least in the sense of voicing my opinion in public forums. It's not that I don't have an opinion, but rather that I place a high value on words. I don't see the point in repeating what someone else has already said, simply to hear it in my own voice. I tend to speak up only when I feel really strongly about an issue, or when what I have to say is unique.

Perhaps I'll accept this blog title as a challenge to speak up more often; to think critically and actually put my thoughts out there for others to hear (read).

BTW: Although I'm changing the name of this blog, the URL will remain the same so as not to upset your blogrolls (I'm actually on a few), and RSS readers.

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